E Is For Email

May 25

I love getting email from parents. It is a quick, easy way for us to stay in contact. I know a lot of parents would rather call me, and that is great too. But if you get a chance also think about emailing your childs teacher every once in a while. I hope you will find that it becomes a quick check to find out what is going on at school.

A couple of things I would like you to remember if you decide to use email with the school. First, teachers only have a limited time during each day without students in their care. During my day, I only have 30 minutes before and after school and a short plan time 4 days a week. So, if you email and don’t hear back immediately, its usually going to be because I am either absent that day or teaching, and I will get back to you as quickly as I can. My goal is always to try to get back to you on the day I get your e-mail. Unless you email me in the evening and then you will hear back from me the next morning.

This brings me to my second point, if you don’t hear back from your teacher within a reasonable time please call them. I always tell my parents if you don’t hear back from me in a day, please call the school and get me on the phone. That is because my school (and most schools) have very tight spam filters on the internet. Often the first time a parent is emailing me their email goes into my spam file because the system does not know who they are. Once I ok their email I never have a problem again. So, please know that we would never just ignore you, chances are if you didn’t hear from us we didn’t get your email.

Remember we are here to help your child succeed in school. Communication between your teacher and yourself is a very important part of that success. Email is an easy access tool to communicating with your child’s teacher.


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