Nursery Rhyme and Poem Book


Starting the first week of school, I teach my students five or six poems or nursery rhymes a month. We recite them daily during calender time, read poem books that they are in and practice reading them during both the literacy and reading blocks during the day. One of the most enjoyable activities that my studetns  do each week is add a poem to their poem book. Each student uses a 70 page notebook to construct their poems in, and takes home with them at the end of the school year. Once I started the poem book it was amazing to me how much the students loved to reread their poems over and over throughout the year.  These are some of the nursery rhymes and poems, as well as the artwork pieces, that  I use in my classroom for this activity.

color cats


peppermint stick

Grandma’s glasses


Pizza Round Poem

The Chubby Snowman

snow, snow falling down

roses are red

Nursery Rhymes

rain, rain go away

raining, pouring

hickory dickory dock