X-tra Fun

These are art projects or extra things that we make in my classroom. Some of the fun stuff!

Inside and Outside a Pumpkin Book

We actually look at a pumpkin both inside and out,  chart what we see in a shared write, and then make these two pumpkins to represent what we saw. I type up the shared writes and we glue them onto these pages. We then staple them together on one side to make a pumpkin book for the students to take home.


Christmas Wreath

We paint each students hands green and make the wreath. After it dries we go back and paint their thumb red to make the berries. Add yarn and a bow and it becomes their Christmas present for their parents.

One Hundred Happy Faces THis is fun. I cut out 100 circles and they make one hundred faces. We then glue them onto the chart in groups of ten by color.

Oye Al Desierto by Pat Mora